Faith after Deception
JoinedTopics Started by Faith after Deception
Finding our true identity after spiritual abuse in the Watchtower
by Faith after Deception ini personally find that when you’ve been around toxic people long enough, either in a family environment or as part of a cult or a highly controlling church, (or worse, both!
), you tend to get a very twisted view of your own identity and also human nature in general.. in a religious context, you may end up feeling that you are a “lowly worm” and that in general, people can’t be trusted.
since all you’ve known of relationships has been painful, complex and tiresome, it can give you the impression that this is the norm and that’s all you can expect .
How to help indoctrinated cult victims break free
by Faith after Deception incults are fuelled by fear, shame and secrecy.
members are taught to set their sights on a future existence on a paradise earth or in heaven, and forced to give up all hopes of true joy or fulfilment in this life.
they must resign themselves to boredom, drudgery and self-discipline, which is often accompanied by feelings of emptiness and dread.
Freedom from Abuse
by Faith after Deception ini hope you don't mind if i share my latest blog post here: .
one of the most common ways in which people are psychologically traumatized whilst in a cult or religious high control group, is the extreme pressure to “forgive” people who have abused them.
i use the word “forgive” in quotes, because the concept often goes way beyond the biblical mandate.
Choose Freedom, Choose Happiness (my book)
by Faith after Deception inchoose freedom, choose happiness.
after finally leaving, it can be tempting to “hibernate”.
we attempt to turn the page, “move on” and create a new life for ourselves.
Answer these 25 questions to find out if you are in a cult or high control group
by Faith after Deception in1) do your studies or training in the group seem to be endless?.
2) did you have to give up things that you liked doing in order to be accepted into the group?
music, places you used to go, clothes, family life, celebrations, etc.).
Legalism versus Christianity
by Faith after Deception injesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else: “two men went to the temple to pray.
one was a pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector.
the pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: ‘i thank you, god, that i am not like other people—cheaters, sinners, adulterers.
What's your passion???
by Faith after Deception inyesterday, i was feeling very blue.
this is quite unusual for me, as i tend to be quite an upbeat, positive person, so spells of sadness or depression take me by surprise and are a real shock to the system.
you know, i don’t believe in “putting on a face” or pretending to be ok; this “fake it ’til you make it” malarkey has never been something i’ve liked.
by Stella3 ini posted a month or two ago about my recently disfellowshipped sister who was feeling massive amounts of shame and doubt.
i moved out of my home state 5 years ago so she has come to visit me twice since she has been df'd and she loves it here.
i am a recovered alcoholic (5 years clean and sober) and spend my days with the most amazing non judgmental people i've ever met.
Still trying to cope with my new situation (wife woke up, cheated and left)
by nevaagain inas you probably might know already, i already posted some lengthy posts about my situation,here: part 1 and here: part 2 is here.. to make it short, four weeks ago, my wife confessed that she cheated on me and immediately went upstairs to pack and to leave.
this was planned from beforehand because she already managed for an apartment in a different city and a job there.
the next day she sent an email to the elders out confessing of her wrong doings and wishing to get disassociated.. as a reason why she left, she told me, that we should have never married, because we don't fit together.
JW Recovery just closed
by Lanzing ini was surfing jw recovery .com, all of the sudden a screen came up that says .
jehovah's witness recovery.
after much consideration, we have decided to move on to other things, and bring this site to a close.